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"Come Back Alive" presents report for 2023 in the format of a military map

The “Come Back Alive” Foundation for Competent Assistance to the Army presented its report on the results of its work for 2023, created in cooperation with the Gusev Art Lab in the format of a military map. 

The main achievements of the organization over the year, dates, events and figures are collected on one page as coordinates of points, settlements and other locations. This working map of the Foundation contains information about key financial indicators, projects, property purchased for the Defense Forces, partners, etc. 

For example, last year, people, companies and organizations from all over the world donated UAH 4,532,450,229 to the Foundation to strengthen the Ukrainian Defense Forces. Thanks to these funds, the “Come Back Alive” Foundation purchased the following items for the army:

  • 20,326 units of weapons and ammunition;
  • 20,200 FPV drones;
  • 15,839 radio stations;
  • 9,478 tablets;
  • 5,228 computers;
  • 4,877 drones;
  • 4,323 backup power supplies;
  • 3,686 demining kits;
  • 2,562 display devices;
  • 2,461 thermal imaging optics;
  • 2,206 optics;
  • 1 702 night optics;
  • 1 559 generators;
  • 1,018 Starlink;
  • 934 metal detectors;
  • 544 vehicles.

The Come Back Alive team literally travels hundreds of thousands of kilometers across Ukraine every year, translating the military’s requests into actual supplies and training. This prompted us to make the report creative, namely in the format of a map that symbolizes the Foundation’s journey in 2023. To capture the spirit of the organization and make this map unique, we added characteristic elements, various references. The new format of the report will definitely be interesting for the viewer and will provoke them to explore every detail of the map to fully appreciate the scale of the Foundation’s assistance,” says Artem Gusev, founder and creative director of Gusev Art Lab.

The annual report is available here.

“Last year, an incredible number of people, businesses and organizations donated an average of 377 million hryvnias per month to the Foundation to help the Ukrainian Defense Forces. We received more than 1.2 million transfers and thanks to these funds we were able to respond promptly to the requests of the army, to meet their needs from drones, radios and pickups to weapons. At the same time, systematic reporting is an extremely important part of the organization’s work. On our website, information about each donation and expenditure is updated in real time. And every year we try to show the scale of our joint results with benefactors in the report to thank them and remind them what we are capable of together,” says Oleh Karpenko, Deputy Director of the Come Back Alive Foundation.

As a reminder, “Come Back Alive” has been helping the army since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014. Since then and until February 24, 2022, supporters have donated more than UAH 281.6 million to the Foundation for the needs of the army. As of April 2024, Come Back Alive has raised more than UAH 11 billion to help the Defense Forces.

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