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Чорна коробка палає на фоні стіни

Black Box Project Inflicts Over $700 Million Worth of Damage on Enemy Forces

In the last month alone, the occupiers have suffered more than $700 million in losses, attributable to the Black Box. This joint secret project is the result of collaboration between the Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, Come Back Alive Foundation for Competent Assistance to the Ukrainian Army, and blogger Ihor Lachenkov.

05 Jun 2023, 11:57

Військовий у шоломі дивиться в бінокль

“Protect the Sky – Boost Air Defense”: We Are Raising 330 million UAH for Air Defense Communications

We are launching "Envelop the sky — level up the air defense" joint charitable project by Nova Post and the Come Back Alive Foundation. The goal is to raise 330 million hryvnias for air defense communications and mobile command posts for the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

01 Jun 2023, 07:33

Колаж із платформ з військовою технікою, які складаються у напис 7 000 000 000 гривень

Over 7 Billion UAH Donated to Come Back Alive for Ukrainian Military

Since February 24, 2022, Come Back Alive, the Foundation for Competent Assistance to the Ukrainian Army, has fundraised over 7 billion UAH (about $210 million) to aid the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

25 May 2023, 07:36

Розпаковані та запаковані коробки із тепловізорами AGM Fuzion LRF

740 Thermal Vision Units for Defence Forces

Come Back Alive, the Foundation for Competent Assistance to the Ukrainian Army, procured 740 AGM Fuzion LRF thermal monoculars with laser rangefinders and bi-spectrum image fusion for the Defence Forces of Ukraine. This batch is worth 59,496,000 UAH (about $1,62 million).

15 May 2023, 08:47

Генерал-майор Кирило Буданов стоїть перед відкритим капотом машини, позаду нього українські військовослужбовці із закритими обличчями

“To Hear Everyone": Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Gets New Mobile Station

Come Back Alive, the Foundation for Competent Assistance to the Ukrainian Army, equipped a mobile intelligence station for the Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine. The total cost of the project exceeds 41 million UAH (about $1.12 million).

05 May 2023, 09:38

Дві спеціалізовані ремонтні станції Pulsar Master припарковані в полі біля намету

The Foundation has allocated $1.8 million raised by Poles at Bayraktar to help the Ukrainian military

The Come Back Alive Foundation has allocated a portion of the funds raised last year by Poles to purchase a Bayraktar TB2 strike drone for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to help the Ukrainian Defense Forces. The organizer of the collection, journalist Sławomir Sierakowski, handed over PLN 5.13 million and $600,000 to the Foundation.

27 Apr 2023, 07:02

Розпакований кулемет у коробці на фоні вантажівки з рештою кулеметів

War requires weapons: Come Back Alive purchased 1460 machine guns for the army

The Come Back Alive Foundation for Competent Assistance to the Army has purchased 1460 foreign-made 7.62mm machine guns for the army. The batch is worth €6,570,000.

24 Apr 2023, 12:36


The "Come Back Alive" Foundation for Competent Assistance to the Army and the Portmone payment service have started raising UAH 50 million to purchase equipment for military cybers of the Armed Forces. However, the project caused a resonance to which the Foundation's team could not help but respond, so we collected answers to the most common questions about the fundraiser.

23 Feb 2023, 19:36

"Come Back Alive" announces fundraising for cyber offensive

The Foundation for Competent Assistance to the Army "Come Back Alive" has launched a fundraiser to purchase equipment for one of the Armed Forces units that will help the Ukrainian military defeat the occupiers in cyberspace.

20 Feb 2023, 08:22

Online course for drone operators launched

The «Come Back Alive» charity foundation and the Ukrainian educational platform Prometheus created an online course called «Basic tactics for using DJI Mavic 3 and Autel EVO II quadcopters in combat conditions».

30 Nov 2022, 15:00

Жінка стоїть із піднятими руками посеред сотень коробок із тепловізійною технікою

The largest batch in the history of «Come Back Alive»: The Foundation purchased thermal imaging optics for the army for €3.3 million

The "Come Back Alive" Foundation made the most significant purchase of thermal imaging optics in its history. The cost of the batch is 3 344 490 euros.

29 Nov 2022, 13:32

The Armed Forces of Ukraine received mobile workshops for repairing HMMWVs at the frontline

The «Come Back Alive» foundation handed over two mobile complexes for the maintenance and repair of HMMWV (Humvee) to the Ukrainian Army. By the end of the year, the foundation plans to supply the Army with four more.

07 Nov 2022, 11:22